- Slovenščina
- English
- Italiano
Do you need a translation into/from a foreign language?
Our translation agency Multilingual PRO d.o.o. has the right solution for you. Our translators will always translate your texts carefully and accurately because they know how important a good presentation in a foreign language is- both for the author (or whoever the text represents) and for the target audience. Correctlanguage usage will enhance your reputation in your audience's eyes.
Languages we translate into/from
We provide translations in the following languages:
Translations in different language combinations
In addition to the two standard combinations (from a foreign language into Slovenian and from Slovenian into a foreign language), we translate all other language combinations comprised of any two languages listed above. We place high importance on both quality and speed. Up to 5 standard pages (1500 characters excluding spaces) can be translated on the same day. If the translated textconsists of less than 750 characters excluding spaces, we charge half the price of astandard page. If the text is longer, we charge the full price of a standard page.
Large Order Discounts
We offer a bulk discount on large translation projects. The size of the discount varies depending on the size of the project. We also reward our loyal customers with a special loyalty discount.
High-quality translations at competitive rates! You can reach us 24 hours a day. Simply call us at +386(0)40 817 820 or email us at info@multilingual.si.
To get your offer, contact us at:
+386(0)40 817 820 or info@multilingual.si
Order Enquiries
up to 5 pages on the same day
from €16.70 per page