Language courses with native speakers
Today, learning a new language is one of the best investments we can make for ourselves, both for our private and business life. There are many paths to reaching this goal, but one of the most effective and quickest ways is to take part in a good language course, taught by native speakers. They can teach you how to speak the most naturally so that you really get a grasp of the language and learn the correct pronunciation.
Custom language courses
We understand that each individual has different needs, different skill levels as well as their own expectations, which is why all our language courses are designed to be suitable for groups or individuals, for adults or children and also for various levels of previous knowledge. The teaching material is prepared in an understandable way so that you can follow it easily, but also quickly improve your knowledge and make good progress.
Izbirate lahko med različnimi vrstami in tipi tečajev po meri:
- individualni jezikovni tečaji,
- jezikovni tečaji za pare,
- hitri intenzivni jezikovni tečaji,
- tečaji s poudarkom na konverzaciji,
- jezikovni tečaji za podjetja,
- inštrukcije jezika za učence, dijake ali študente.
Jezikovni tečaji Multilingual vam na enem mestu zagotovijo tako učenje jezika kot priložnost za urjenje konverzacije z maternimi govorci jezika, kar se je izkazalo za eno najboljših formul uspeha. Vsi naši predavatelji in inštruktorji imajo vrsto let izkušenj, poleg tega pa glede na tematiko in zahtevnostno stopnjo uporabljajo inovativne tehnike poučevanja ter metode, ki pripomorejo k hitrejšemu pomnjenju.
Jezikovni tečaji v terminu in na lokaciji po meri
Za podjetja pripravimo tečaje, osredotočene na točno določeno tematiko, poleg tega pa jih lahko po dogovoru izvedemo tudi v vaših prostorih ter vam na ta način prihranimo dragoceni čas in olajšamo organizacijo. Tudi za individualne tečaje in učenje tujega jezika v paru so vam na voljo termini po dogovoru, tako da vam je celotna izvedba tečaja zares pisana na kožo.
You can choose between the various levels and types of custom courses:
- individual language courses,
- language courses for pairs,
- quick intensive language courses,
- conversational courses,
- language courses for businesses,
- language tutoring for children and students.
Multilingual’s language courses are a comprehensive way of both learning a language and practising your knowledge by talking to native speakers, which has been proven to be one of the best formulas for success. All our teachers and instructors have many years of experience, in addition to which they use innovative teaching methods and techniques that make learning and memorising even easier.
Language courses at the time and place of your choice
Our courses for businesses are designed to focus on a specific topic, but we all also offer the possibility of teaching you at your office premises which saves you valuable time and makes organisation even easier. For individual lessons and language courses for pairs we also offer lessons at a time of your choice, so that the entire learning process is one that suits you the best.
You can choose from all the large global languages:
- English courses
- German courses
- Russian courses
- French courses
- Italian courses
- Spanish courses
We can also arrange individual language courses for less common languages.
Your quick, simple and reasonably priced path to a new language
Multilingual’s courses have another advantage; in addition to offering good quality and excellent teachers, they are also available at a reasonable and competitive price. Send your enquiry to or call us on +386 40 817 820 and tell us what you would like or need and we will prepare a custom offer for you. Give us a call, you won’t regret it - your first lesson comes with additional discounts!
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